Book Flights to Puerto Escondido Airport
Below, you will find a list of airlines that operate both to and from Puerto Escondido Airport (PXM) along with the IATA Code and official website.
Learn more information about each individual airline that flies to Puerto Escondido by clicking on the name of the airline on the left hand side of the table shown below.
Airlines Flying to Puerto Escondido | IATA Code: | Website: |
Aeromar | VW | Click Here |
Aeroméxico | AM | Click Here |
Aerotucán | RTU (ICAO) | Click Here |
VivaAerobus | VB | Click Here |
Volaris | Y4 | Click Here |
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
How many airlines fly to Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca?
Five Mexican airlines operate direct flights to Puerto Escondido Airport, including Aeromar, Aeroméxico, Aerotucán, VivaAerobus, and Volaris.
Which alliances fly to Puerto Escondido Airport?
The only official airline alliance that conducts flights to Puerto Escondido Airport is SkyTeam. SkyTeam is one of the three major airline alliances in the world alongside Star Alliance and oneworld. The SkyTeam alliance consists of 20 international airlines one of which is Aeromexico.
Where can I find the latest arrivals and departures information for flights to Puerto Escondido Airport?
You can find the latest arrivals and departures at Puerto Escondido Airport here: Arrivals / Departures.